Videos relacionados con comprar mpcs pay bill


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  • Samsung Pay, la nueva forma de comprar con tu smartphone

  • 10 mejores regalos para Navidad que puedes comprar con Citibanamex Pay

    Citibanamex Pay es una de las mejores opciones para realizar compras en linea de una manera sencilla, rápida y segura gracias a que podemos utilizar una tarjeta digital desde nuestro smartphone para realizar compras y evitar tener que cargar con nuestras tarjeta física en todo momento.

    Y si quieres saber cómo puedes ganarte el BB-9E de la película Star Wars: Episodio VIII . The Last Jedi, entra a la siguiente liga y consulta las bases:

    Ver video "10 mejores regalos para Navidad que puedes comprar con Citibanamex Pay"

  • Captan a Bill Gates haciendo fila para comprar hamburguesa | Noticias con Yuriria Sierra

    Esta foto de Bill Gates haciendo fila por una hamburguesa ¡se volvió viral!

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    Ver video "Captan a Bill Gates haciendo fila para comprar hamburguesa | Noticias con Yuriria Sierra"

  • Apple Ordered to Pay $14.5 Billion Irish Tax Bill

    The European Commission demanded on Tuesday that Ireland recoup roughly €13 billion ($14.5 billion) in what it claims are unpaid taxes from Apple.

    Ver video "Apple Ordered to Pay $14.5 Billion Irish Tax Bill"

  • Waitress 'takes revenge' on customers who left without paying the bill

    Waitress 'takes revenge' on customers who left without paying the bill

    Ver video "Waitress 'takes revenge' on customers who left without paying the bill"

  • ***Green DIY Energy Download Tired of Paying RIDICULOUSLY High Electric Bills?

    Go To The Link Below To Download

    ***Green DIY Energy Download Tired of Paying RIDICULOUSLY High Electric Bills?


    Ver video "***Green DIY Energy Download Tired of Paying RIDICULOUSLY High Electric Bills?"

  • WM16x9N_WE-004TH_OR_ TAX BILL- PEOPLE TRY TO PRE-PAY PROPERTY TAX_CNNA-ST1-1000000004599143_201_0W.wmv

    Ver video "WM16x9N_WE-004TH_OR_ TAX BILL- PEOPLE TRY TO PRE-PAY PROPERTY TAX_CNNA-ST1-1000000004599143_201_0W.wmv"

  • POWER CUTS, a daily reality in Greece

    The Greek Public Power Corporation is cutting the electricity supply to 30,000 homes and businesses each month due to unpaid bills.

    Ver video "POWER CUTS, a daily reality in Greece"

  • Roseanne 10x07 Sneak Peek #2 "Go Cubs" (HD)The Conners can’t pay their Wi-Fi bill, so they befriend their new neighbors to use the internet for Mary to Skype with mom Geena, who is stationed in Afghanistan.

    The Conners can’t pay their Wi-Fi bill, so they befriend their new neighbors to use the internet for Mary to Skype with mom Geena, who is stationed in Afghanistan.

    Ver video "Roseanne 10x07 Sneak Peek #2 "Go Cubs" (HD)The Conners can’t pay their Wi-Fi bill, so they befriend their new neighbors to use the internet for Mary to Skype with mom Geena, who is stationed in Afghanistan."

  • Hillary Clinton revela la historia detrás de su vestido de novia de una cadena de almacenes

    La ex primera dama de Estados Unidos había olvidado comprar el vestido para el día de su boda con Bill Clinton

    Ver video "Hillary Clinton revela la historia detrás de su vestido de novia de una cadena de almacenes"

  • Ductless Split Air Conditioner in Rochester (Utility Bills). Ductless Split Air Conditioner. Most people read utility bills simply to pay them. However, some people also read utility bills in order to pay less in the future. Give us a Call 877-770-3548

    Ver video "Ductless Split Air Conditioner in Rochester (Utility Bills)."

  • Applications open for home heating assistance

    The program helps vulnerable Connecticut residents who struggle to pay their winter heating bills.

    Ver video "Applications open for home heating assistance"

  • Cómo anadir una tarjeta a Android Pay

    Android Pay aterriza en España con BBVA. Sigue estos pasos para añadir tu tarjeta de crédito a la app de pagos móviles de Google y empieza a comprar en tus tiendas favoritas.

    Ver video "Cómo anadir una tarjeta a Android Pay"

  • Lipo Cost
    One has to pay for the use of the surgical facility where the Lipo is performed. Some Lipo doctors break up this bill and have patients pay it separately.

    Ver video "Lipo Cost"

  • Lipo Cost
    One has to pay for the use of the surgical facility where the Lipo is performed. Some Lipo doctors break up this bill and have patients pay it separately.

    Ver video "Lipo Cost"

  • 3 fired over Applebees racial profiling

    Three Applebee's employees were fired after a customer alleged that she had been racially profiled and accused of not paying her bill during a previous visit.

    Ver video "3 fired over Applebees racial profiling"

  • New Girl 6x12 Promo "The Cubicle"

    When Jess insists on covering Robby's medical bill, she is stunned after finding out the total and goes to extremes to find a way to help pay.

    Ver video "New Girl 6x12 Promo "The Cubicle""

  • New Girl 6x12 Promo "The Cubicle" (HD)

    When Jess insists on covering Robby's medical bill, she is stunned after finding out the total and goes to extremes to find a way to help pay.

    Ver video "New Girl 6x12 Promo "The Cubicle" (HD)"

  • Revenge of the power bill payer

    A Belgian man pays his electricity bill in wheelbarrows of one cent coins in protest over rising prices.

    Patrick Janssen was so angry at the size of his bill for the equivalent of around 1, 475 U.S. dollars he delivered the payment in one cent copper coins that filled two wheelbarrows.

    Ver video "Revenge of the power bill payer"

  • Ductless Air Conditioner in Federal Way (Cooling Bills). During the summer, you might be used to paying higher electricity bills, in the name of combating the discomfort that the intense midday summer heat b

    Ver video "Ductless Air Conditioner in Federal Way (Cooling Bills)."

  • En Detalle: Cómo protegerse de los anuncios “compre hoy y pague después”

    #EnDetalle: ¿Ha visto los anuncios en tiendas que dicen "Buy Now, Pay Later''? Es decir, lo invitan a comprar sin tener que pagar al momento, libre de intereses y en partes, aunque puede que suene como una estupenda opción, debe de tener mucho cuidado.

    Para más información visita:

    Ver video "En Detalle: Cómo protegerse de los anuncios “compre hoy y pague después”"

  • Tellman: Lesson5 Step23 How To Find Ezines-How To Quickly A No matter in what situation you are in, if you need money to pay off your bills, go on that dream vacation you will be able to make a profit with Tellman's program.

    Ver video "Tellman: Lesson5 Step23 How To Find Ezines-How To Quickly A"

  • Telllman Knudson List Buildinng: Lesson 10, Step 44 Online No matter in what situation you are in, if you need money to pay off your bills or get out of debt you will be able to make a profit with Tellman's program.

    Ver video "Telllman Knudson List Buildinng: Lesson 10, Step 44 Online"

  • Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 11, Step 57a: Squeeze No matter in what situation you are in, if you need money to pay off your bills or get out of debt you will be able to make a profit with Tellman Knudson's program.

    Ver video "Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 11, Step 57a: Squeeze"

  • Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 11, Step 55a: How to No matter in what situation you are in, if you need money to pay off your bills or get out of debt you will be able to make a profit with Tellman Knudson's program.

    Ver video "Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 11, Step 55a: How to"

  • Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 10, Step 49: Types of No matter in what situation you are in, if you need money to pay off your bills or get out of debt you will be able to make a profit with Tellman's program.

    Ver video "Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 10, Step 49: Types of"

  • Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 13, Step 65: Setting No matter in what situation you are in, if you need money to pay off your bills or get out of debt you will be able to make a profit with Tellman Knudson's program.

    Ver video "Tellman Knudson List Building: Lesson 13, Step 65: Setting"

  • How to Install Midea Mini Split (Heating and A/C)? Install Midea Mini Split. It will also help save you money on your energy bills. Instead of having to pay to cool your entire home, you can more effectively cool specific sp

    Ver video "How to Install Midea Mini Split (Heating and A/C)?"

  • paypal uso y registro

    para estar en onbux necesitas una cuenta de pay pal donde recibes tu dinero
    lo mas importante es poner sus datos reales es totalmente seguro y les permitira comprar en internet o depositarse el dinero en su cuenta para tenerlo en efectivo si no tienen cuenta de banco paypal le manda un cheque es muy facil

    Ver video "paypal uso y registro"

  • Japanese "combinis" spark convenience store surge in Asia

    Tokyo, 19 June (EFE).- (Camera: Maribel Izcue)- Purchase tickets, pay bills or buy fresh food. These are just some of the things busy Japanese can do at their local "combini", small businesses that function as miniature cities.


    Ver video "Japanese "combinis" spark convenience store surge in Asia"

  • Bill Maher Apoyo a la SOPA

    Bill Maher parece pensar porque Washington debe controlar la Internet totalmente con el proyecto de ley SOPA. Se refiere a personas que se descarguen material con copyright como personas que "sólo quieren mierda libre". Sr. Maher tal vez hay algunos de nosotros por ahí que prefieren descargar algo para ver si vale la pena comprar su lugar de gastar nuestro dinero duramente ganado y la decepción.

    Ver video "Bill Maher Apoyo a la SOPA"

  • free energy generation
    Magnetic Generators that create 100% FREE Energy Generation have been used by the Power Companies for years. Yet, they keep this hidden from you so that you keep on paying your Electricity Bills.

    Ver video "free energy generation"

  • get out of debt

    Struggling to pay bills? Always feel like you have nothing left after your debit orders go off? Get out of debt and start living a stress free life. No upfront fees. For your free assessment contact us now.

    Ver video "get out of debt"

  • free energy generation
    Magnetic Generators that create 100% FREE Energy Generation have been used by the Power Companies for years. Yet, they keep this hidden from you so that you keep on paying your Electricity Bills.

    Ver video "free energy generation"

  • free energy generation
    Magnetic Generators that create 100% FREE Energy Generation have been used by the Power Companies for years. Yet, they keep this hidden from you so that you keep on paying your Electricity Bills.

    Ver video "free energy generation"

  • Trafficmonsoon la mejor ptc tutorial registro

    Mi link:

    Que tal amigos, hoy les presento "TrafficMonsoon", una página para ganar dinero mediante anuncios.
    Es una página muy buena y tiene muchos seguidores.

    En este tutorial veremos: ¿Cómo registrarse?, ¿Cómo ver los anuncios? y sobre todo ¿Cómo cobrar el dinero?

    Para cobrar por payza. Actualmente hay una condición. Primero debemos ir a buy cash link y comprar por lo menos un paquete de publicidad de 1 dolar.
    Los paquetes de publicidad son maneras de promocionar: nuestros blogs, páginas web y sobre todo nuestro link de referido de las diferentes PTC. En el caso de comprar un paquete de publicidad, les recomiendo que nunca ingresen su link de referido de Trafficmonsoon ya que la publicidad se ve en dicha página.
    Mas adelante subiré un vídeo sobre como registrarse en payza y como comprar paquetes de publicidad.

    Les dejo el link de Fortd ad Pays, esta página esta en español:

    Ver video "Trafficmonsoon la mejor ptc tutorial registro"

  • Cómo hacer Pasta de Hojaldre

    Vamos a hacer nuestra propia pasta de hojaldre o masa de hojaldre. Esta receta tiene su chiste no porque sea difícil, sino porque lleva su tiempo. Pero créanme que cuando hagan su propia masa de hojaldre no van a querer comprar nunca más una ya hecha. Pueden usarla para hacer pays, cuernitos, croissants, orejitas y muchas otras cosas.
    Pueden encontrar esta receta y muchas más en
    Y no olviden suscribirse a nuestro canal.

    Ver video "Cómo hacer Pasta de Hojaldre"

  • how do you improve your eyesight - how do you improve your eyesight

    How You Can Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

    It reaffirmed what I was desperately hoping to find…

    The secret to improving your eyesight is not confined

    Wearing eyeglasses or contacts

    Paying expensive optical bills

    Or seeing a surgeon

    It’s about understanding how your eyes work.

    And how your eyesight can be improved naturally using
    proven exercises and correct nutrition.

    And, just so you understand…

    Ver video "how do you improve your eyesight"

  • Satellite TV for PC Watch over 3,000 channels!

    ► ◄◄
    Stop wasting money on pricey cable and satellite TV bills ... watch them on your PC for free

    Satellite TV for PC lets you watch your favorite movies, tv shows, cartoons, and more all for free!

    How it works : Satellite TV for PC is a software designed to let you watch thousands of hosted shows, and movies that are on popular channels that you would find within your cable or satellite tv subscriptions. The programs are hosted through a CDN (content delivery network) in which you will be able to receive these channels and watch them right on your PC for free!
    The convenience of watching Satellite TV on your PC * You will never have to pay for another cable or satellite tv subscription in your life! Satellite TV for PC is a one time purchase software, where you will be able to watch thousands of TV channels including movies all for free! You won't have to pay your monthly bills when you can cut down and watch TV right in front of your computer screen.

    Ver video "Satellite TV for PC Watch over 3,000 channels!"

  • Selling Gold -
    Buying gold, gold exchange traded funds, and gold futures have all allowed traders to ride the bull market on gold to a more than eight fold increase in the last dozen years. However it is in selling gold that the profit lies. Gold is no longer coin of the realm so if you need money for remodeling your new home, travel, paying for a college education or two, or simply investing in stock, bonds, or real estate, selling gold is necessary to pay the bill. Long term investing in gold has proven to be profitable if the term is not too long.

    Ver video "Selling Gold"

  • Review Health Insurance

    Health insurance --

    Health insurance helps protect you from high medical care costs. Many people in the United States get a health insurance policy through their employers. In most cases, the employer helps pay for that health insurance. Health Insurance through employers is often with a managed care plan. These plans contract with health care providers and medical facilities to provide care for members at reduced costs.

    You can also purchase health insurance on your own. It usually costs you more than employer-based insurance. People who meet certain requirements can qualify for government health insurance, such as Medicare and Medicaid. If you do not have health insurance, you must pay your medical bills directly or rely on health care providers or organizations that donate care.

    Health insurance --

    Ver video "Review Health Insurance"

  • television directamente en tu pc tv online today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "television directamente en tu pc tv online"

  • satellite tv for pc online today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • tv online for pc today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • online tv for pc satellite tv today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "online tv for pc satellite tv"

  • digital tv for pc today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "digital tv for pc"

  • television directamente en tu pc tv online +3500 canales today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • satellite direct tv online today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "satellite direct tv online"

  • tv en tu ordenador online disfruta de mas de 3500 canales HD today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • tv online for pc today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "tv online for pc"

  • +3500 canales en tu pc ver television online today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv"

  • digita tv online for pc satellite tv live tv pc today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • satellite tv for pc online digital tv today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv"

  • Bill Gates está produciendo mosquitos modificados genéticamente en Colombia

    Bill Gates es un "terrateniente" y la cantidad de tierras que tiene en el mundo avala esta afirmación. Y es que el filántropo es el residente estadounidense con mayor cantidad de tierras de cultivo con 109.265 hectáreas en todo EEUU, pero a eso habría que sumar las hectáreas de su enorme granja de Medellín, Colombia, donde está produciendo 30 millones de mosquitos a la semana.

    A la hora de invertir en activos, este peso pesado no duda en comprar terrenos como una de las alternativas de inversión más rentables. Y es que a la planta Natrium, la central nuclear que tiene junto a su gran amigo Warren Buffett, toca agregar las tierras donde se realiza el 'World Mosquito Program', en una granja en Medellín.

    Ver video "Bill Gates está produciendo mosquitos modificados genéticamente en Colombia"

  • tv pc online 3500 canales de alta definision today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "ver television en internet online for pc satellite direct tv"

  • television digital HD today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • tv online for pc today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • satellite direct tv online today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "satellite direct tv online"

  • tv HD digital tv online today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


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  • television en internet online 3500 channels today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

    Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.


    Ver video "television en internet online 3500 channels"

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  • PaidVerts: Comprobante de pago de esta gran PTC (26/12/2014)
    [NOVEDADES A FECHA 28/12/2014]
    El Admin de PaidVerts (Jo) ha comunicado oficialmente que el día 04/01/2015 se procede a un reseteo completo de BAPs en todas las cuentas.
    El trabajo acumulado no se pierde, se nos canjearan los BAPs que tengamos por acciones de MTV (MyTrafficValue), para quedar la cuenta a 0 BAPs, y que nosotros decidamos si venderlas por BAPs, o si venderlas por dinero para comprar nuevas campañas (o incluso para retirarlo por paypal).
    Con esto, desde PaidVerts esperan dar un empujon a los Ads, y que empiezen a llegar en tromba y de valores más altos a los que hay ahora.

    Felices fiestas a todos!!!
    En este vídeo tan solo quería enseñaros el comprobante de pago recibido por parte de PaidVerts, y recordaros que si teneis cualquier tipo de duda, podeis dejarme un comentario en el vídeo y os lo responderé en cuanto lo lea.
    También podreis encontrarme en Twitter (@Zorian84), para cualquier cosa...
    Para todos aquellos que no sepan que es PaidVerts, es una empresa que sigue el modelo de PTC (pay to click) pero con na mecánica muy innovadora y original, que nos dan unos ads de distintos valores según la cantidad de BAPs (bonus ad points) que tengamos. Si quereis saber más, os recomiendo ver los vídeos anteriores en este mismo canal de Youtube (

    Si quieres unirte a esta PTC, puedes hacerlo desde este enlace:

    Ver video "PaidVerts: Comprobante de pago de esta gran PTC (26/12/2014)"

  • Así funciona Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013

    Bit Defender Antivirus Plus 2013 es un antivirus realmente potente, con una de las mayores tasas de detección del mercado y un buen equilibrio entre rendimiento, servicios, eficacia y usabilidad. Además, su motor de detección es de los más populares del mercado: muchos antivirus usan el mismo. Su interfaz es atractiva, seguro que gusta a cualquier jugón que se precie. Más que una interfaz de un programa de seguridad parece que estemos manipulando una consola, con sus botones, widget y módulos. El primero de ellos es el modo usuario o Piloto automático. Si quieres manipular el funcionamiento de tu antivirus para que trabaje a tu gusto, tu opción es la de usuario. Si en cambio quieres despreocuparte y que Bit Defender haga todo el trabajo, usa el piloto Automático. De forma silenciosa, Bitdefender estará protegiéndote. BitDefender cuenta con cualquier herramienta que puedas ver en los mejores antivirus de pago y con muchos más. Por ejemplo, si creas una cuenta personal tendrás acceso a su servicio antirrobo, que se puede instalar en cualquier dispositivo android o Windows para no tener que sufrir más si desparece uno de tus dispositivos. Con esta misma cuenta, Bit Defender te da seguridad en Facebook y Twitter y protege a los menores que usen tu equipo con su servicio de control parental, ofreciéndote informes detallados del uso que le den y creando perfiles dedicados a ellos. Otro servicio destacable de BitDefender es Safe Pay, que abre cualquier página donde puedas hacer transacciones bancarias en un entorno seguro y fuera de cualquier peligro. Así puedes comprar o mover dinero sin sufrir por tu seguridad, con teclado virtual incluido para evitar los keyloggers. Además de todo esto, BitDefender cuenta con una extensión de navegador para hacer un rápido escaneo gratuito y que puedes incluir en tu página web. No parece muy útil como análisis, pero es entretenido.

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